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Aerial photo over San Diego County with two hot air balloons.

Solutions start with
the right questions

An interactive & inclusive process.



Listen to community members and stakeholders

Share best practices

Assess existing conditions

Identify gaps, needs, and opportunities

Build a Vision

Develop a common foundation with community and stakeholders


Translate needs and opportunities into goals and strategies


Establish a framework for action

Choose a Path

Establish strategies and actions


Understand important initiatives and policies


Determine priorities and dependencies

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Create an actionable plan


Establish measurable outcomes


Operationalize strategies


Communicate ideas, initiatives, and purpose

How we work sets us apart.

BluePoint Planning is a mission-driven consulting firm dedicated to doing impactful and meaningful work with local, regional, and state governments and non-profit and private organizations.

Our team is dedicated to helping clients and partners achieve their goals and addressing complex and sticky problems with innovative and forward-thinking solutions.

We are a small, woman-owned, and operated business.

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Facilitative Leadership

We embrace an approach called Facilitative Leadership, where the facilitator plays an active role in focusing and leading dialogues to a clear endpoint and action.

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Advocate for Innovative Solutions

Innovative solutions - whether incremental or disruptive - come from multiple perspectives and the unexpected collision of ideas. We advocate for dynamic processes and teams that maximize the potential for innovation and out-of-the-box ideas.

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Translate Data into Decision

We are strategic communication experts - tailoring and honing information to reach key audiences and engage fully. We translate complex information and technical language into easy-to-understand materials and plans.

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Embed Equity & Inclusion

We actively advocate for and bring an equity perspective to each project, embracing ongoing reflection and learning. We assist clients in ensuring that their plans and processes are inclusive and improve equitable outcomes.

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Integrated & Holistic Thinking

We take a systems approach to our work, avoiding silos and conventional thinking. We help clients create multi-benefit initiatives that have broad support and feasibility.

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Partner for Change

We help clients negotiate complex issues, serving as your partner in engaging internal and external stakeholders in processes that lead to transformative action.

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